BBC Panoroma uses “ADHD Face” in what appears to be a second apparently unethical and disgraceful “investigation”

Robin Rowland
9 min readMay 13, 2023

UPDATE THREE 1531 Pacific Time May 15

The UK ADHD Foundation has issued a statement
Response to BBC Panorama “Private ADHD Clinics Exposed”

As I suspected Panorama failed to reach out the ADHD community groups in the UK. This is a major failure of journalistic ethics.

Whilst we welcome responsible and informed television journalism, any reporting that does not engage with patient led groups will inevitably be a cause of concern to us. We question the impartiality of this programme as The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity and other NGOs have been left out of the conversation and research

The foundation says it reached out to Panorama after the initial publicity but was apparently ignored

We contacted the reporting team on May 4th, 11 days before the programme was to be broadcast, to explain points of concern so they understood the context of why so many people cannot access health care from the NHS and must resort to private providers. It took until the afternoon of May 12th for them to respond to our concerns, which do not appear to have been considered in the programme.

We are…



Robin Rowland

Independent visual journalist in Kitimat, BC, Canada. Author of five books, more at